This article will explain how to embed Idomoo Video Player into any video page .

Step 1: Place Idomoo Video Player Script  

 Place the player's script above the player's code (div).     

<script type="text/javascript" src= ""></script> 

Step 2:  Place Player Code 

Insert the following HTML in your page, at the exact location where you want the player  to appear. 

<div id="idm-player"></div> 

Step 3: Add a ‘player_options’ script (optional) 

While the player’s script (main.js) runs the player itself, the idmPlayerCreate() function initialises it with player_options that holds customization options. 

customization options can be defined on the landing page itself or on an external page. 

If not added, the player will be played with the defaults: 

  • Player size 'hd', 

  • Player ratio '16:9'

  • Autoplay video (muted only if blocked)

  • Share button with following options:  download video, Copy video link , Email video, Send with WhatsApp

Go to 'Player Customisation Options' article to learn about the possible player customization options or download the attached instructions as a pdf file.

 Next Player Configuration Examples