To learn how to create dynamic storyboards in Idomoo's Storybuilder, please follow the many articles here.
HubSpot data is accessed by using Living Data parameters. For a general explanation about Living Data parameters, read this article.
In order to distribute personalized videos with HubSpot all the data needed to generate videos from the storyboard should be one of the following:
- Held in your HubSpot contact CRM. This can be things like first name, last name, or any other piece of data you've added to the contact object of your HubSpot CRM.
- From another data source which needs no input from you, such as context parameters and other Living Data parameters that are not relying on external data.
A good example is that all personal details come from the HubSpot CRM contact object (first name and so on), but the viewer's current date or time can be retrieved by using context parameters.
Here's how to setup a text layer to use a first name from the HubSpot CRM:
- On the text layer's properties panel, create a parameter. In this case I call the parameter "name".
When you're done, click OK. - You can now preview your Storyboard by clicking the orange Preview button at the top right of the interface. Notice that the parameter "name" needs to be filled.
The point of the HubSpot integration is that you won't need to fill this data, but rather, it would be automatically filled with HubSpot data. - Next let's setup parameter "name" to automatically be filled with HubSpot data. The first step is to access the Living Data panel by clicking the bolt icon (
) at the top right of the interface, then clicking Living Data to switch to the living data tab.
- In the Living Data tab you first define how often you'd like the video to be updated. I recommend choosing Every Call.
- Click the blue Plus button to create a new Living Data parameter.
- In the new panel, first choose the parameter you want to fill with HubSpot data. In our example this is the parameter called "name".
- Now let's point this parameter to our HubSpot integration. Click the down arrow at the far right of the Data Source drop down and click HubSpot.
The HubSpot option only appears if you already installed HubSpot as an app. If you're not sure how to do that, click here. - In the HubSpot data source interface that appears, choose your HubSpot hub ID from the drop-down list. If you only have a single hub connected, this is automatically selected.
- Next choose what HubSpot CRM property you'd like to use for the parameter you chose at the top. In our example of the name, I click the drop-down menu, click on Contact Information then I click First Name.
- To test you are getting the value you are looking for, use the Test Response drop-down. This shows you a random ten contacts from your HubSpot CRM. Choose a contact and click Test. The value retrieved appears to the right of the test button.
- When you're done click OK to close the Living Data panel.
Repeat the above as many times as needed for other parameters. You can also use this method for media or audio placeholders.
Here are a couple of pointers worth mentioning:
- HubSpot might not be able to resolve who the viewer of the video is and there won't be any personal information to use in the video. Therefore, you should always use the default value option in each of the placeholders to have something to fall back unto.
- You can only use a single HubSpot hub for a storyboard. You won't be able to combine several. You can, however, have different storyboards for different hubs.
When you are done you can preview the video in its entirety. Let's see what's different:
- Click the Preview button at the top right of the interface.
- What you see now is different than what you usually see when previewing. Usually you see your list of parameters, but now you should only be seeing the HubSpot drop-down menu allowing you to choose a contact. As all properties are connected to a HubSpot contact, everything is automatically retrieved. If you are using context parameters, then you have those listed as well.
- Choose a contact and click OK to watch your video.
Check out the next article to see how to push a storyboard to HubSpot.