You can generate multiple videos by uploading a CSV file with your customer data. Each column is a parameter you defined in your storyboard, such as a first name. Each row is a set of data for each customer.

For example, if you upload a document with 100 rows it will generate 100 videos.

Generate a Batch

You can find the Batch generation by clicking Generate Videos in the main menu. Make sure you are on the first tab, Batch. Follow these steps:

  1. Choose a storyboard to generate videos from.
  2. Choose a landing page to get links to videos in landing pages (optional).
  3. Choose an output preset. See below for more info.
  4. Enter in a statistics ID to easily find your batch in the analytics dashboard (optional).
  5. Enter in a batch name to easily find your batch in the history menu (optional).

After you complete choosing the batch features, the right menu is available. Follow these steps to set up the CSV:

  1. Download the CSV template. The template is a pre-built CSV file containing the storyboard parameters as column headers.
  2. Fill the CSV with your customer data. Once you are finished, make sure you save the file back as a CSV.
  3. Upload the CSV Using the Upload CSV File button.
  4. Choose a unique ID column (optional). More on this below.
  5. Click the check mark button to launch the batch generation.

Once the batch is launched, you can follow the generation process in the History Menu.

The Output Presets

Options for your batch output are organized into presets. For example, you can choose  GIF for your batch output.

The preset output may vary depending on what you have defined in your storyboard. See the table below.

Preset FormatPreset Options
Personalized Video
  • Animated GIF
  • Landing page link (if defined)
  • Start time of the GIF is the thumbnail image time
  • Up to 5 seconds long

Why Use a Statistics ID

With statistics ID, you can manage each batch of videos and monitor your customer engagement from the Analytics Dashboard. Use the statistics ID to connect your batch with the Analytics Dashboard. 

Your statistics ID must have upper and lowercase letters, and numbers. Special characters, spaces, and underscores are not used. On the Analytics Dashboard, you can use the statistics ID to filter data.

Why Use a Unique ID for the File Name

Idomoo's analytics are calculated per file generated. If you need to connect the analytics to your customers' unique ID, you should specify a file name per output. You can use any column in the CSV for that, then select it in the Video File Name dropdown menu. If you don't define a unique ID column, the video file name will be a random string of letters and numbers.


If you’re having issues uploading your CSV file to the Idomoo platform, try these solutions.

UTF-8 Encoding

  • Make sure you save the CSV file using UTF-8 encoding. Files using UTF-8 with BOM or other CSV file types will not upload.

Use CSV Template

  • Use the template to ensure that your column headers match the exact parameters in your project. If there are any variations, the data can’t be properly mapped.

Check Spacing and Characters

  • Double check your CSV file for rogue spaces or characters. Sometimes mistakes are added to the column headers. It can be easy to overlook.

Check Extra Field Separators

  • Check your CSV file for rogue field separators. For example, sometimes extra commas are added. It can be easy to overlook.