Filtering Data

A control bar for filtering the data is pinned to the top of the dashboard. Users may select any combination of the filters found in the control bar.

The control bar can be hidden at any time by clicking the double upward arrow icon on the right. Users can also Undo or Redo filter actions or reset the dashboard to its default state using the buttons pinned to the top left corner of the dashboard.

Control Bar Definitions and Options

From / ToAnalytics activity is displayed between the range of these dates. The time zone is fixed at UTC.

The last 7 days of activity is the default.
Storyboard IDAnalytics activity is displayed for each unique ID number(s) for the storyboard(s) you choose. (A storyboard ID can be found by clicking the three dot menu at the bottom right of any storyboard in your storyboard list).

All storyboards are shown by default.
Statistics IDAnalytics activity is displayed for each statistic ID(s) you choose. Statistics IDs are automatically assigned to all batch files and can be specified in API calls. They can be found in the media URL directly after your account ID.

In the following example, 1234 is the account ID and 567890 is the statistics ID -

All statistics IDs are selected by default. If you have selected a specific storyboard, only statistics IDs related to that storyboard are displayed in the drop-down.
ScenesAnalytics activity is displayed for any single scene ID you choose. The scene id can be found by clicking the three dot menu at the bottom right of any scene within a Scene Library.
TagsAnalytics activity is displayed for each single tag you choose. Tags are defined by the user and added to video files when they are generated.

Tags can be configured via Storybuilder or Idomoo’s Video Generation API.

Interacting with Visuals

Selecting a visual enables additional controls. All visuals can be expanded to fill the dashboard area by clicking on the diagonal double-arrow button at the top right.

Any visuals that are grouped by a date field can be updated by clicking an element in the visual such as a bar in a bar graph and selecting “drill up” or “drill down”. The default for all date groupings are by Week. User-accessible groupings include Year, Quarter, Month, Week, Day, Hour, Minute, and Second.

In some cases, the amount of content displayed on a visual exceeds the space allotted by the dashboard settings. Rather than reduce the content size beyond legibility, the system displays a vertical or horizontal scroll bar within the visual for the user to view additional information. The size of this bar can be changed by clicking and dragging the top or bottom edge to enlarge or decrease the size of the data points in the visual.

Navigating Dashboard Tabs

The Analytics Dashboard contains 4 tabs: Overview, CTAs & Interactivity, and Geographic Activity, which are explained in the table below:

OverviewCovers key performance metrics including renders, views, landing page visits, and view progress.
CTAsBreaks down button clicks on landing pages.
InteractivityBreaks down button clicks and interactive video actions in videos.
Geographic ActivityMaps view activity to approximate user locations (locations are based on data reported by users’ browsers).

When the dashboard is first opened, the Overview tab is selected and the on-sheet controls are expanded. Users navigate between tabs by clicking on them.