Set Report Details

Report NameThe name to use for the report. This name is inserted in the full filename in the format [report type]_[report name]_[from date]_[to date].csv; for example, VIEWS_My Report_20220228_20220331.csv.

Only alphanumeric characters, spaces, and underscores are allowed.
Report Name - Date FormatThe date format to be used in the report filename.
Data TimezoneA timezone offset to apply to the data in the report.

By default this is the timezone setting reported by your browser.

Select Delivery Method

You may choose to receive reports either by email, SFTP or API.


To receive reports via email, select "Email" from the Method dropdown and enter the recipient email addresses in the Email field. You may enter multiple email addresses separated by commas.


To receive reports via SFTP, select "SFTP" from the Method dropdown and provide the SFTP username, password, host address, host port, and SFTP path in the relevant fields.


To retrieve reports via API, select "API" from the Method dropdown. Note that choosing API limits the report frequency to scheduled reports. If you need an immediate report, you can choose email or SFTP.

When you choose for the report to be available via API this means that:

  • The report is generated and held on Idomoo's servers for up to 7 days.
  • In case the frequency is faster than 7 days, the report is overwritten whenever a new report is generated.
  • You need to pick up the report using API.
    1. Send a GET request to /reports or /reports/{reportId}.
    2. The response provides information about the report definitions and includes a links array of objects.
    3. Each object contains the type of report (type) and a temporary link to download the csv from (url).
    4. The link is available for 30 minutes. After that, you need to get the object again and obtain a new link. The expired field indicates when the link stops to work.

The API is documented on Idomoo's Developer site.

Choose Report Frequency

Immediate Reports

To send an immediate report, select "Immediately" from the Delivery Schedule dropdown menu and select the date range for which you would like to receive data in the From and To fields. Your report is generated and delivered as soon as you click save.

Scheduled Reports

To send a scheduled report, select "Custom" from the Delivery Schedule dropdown menu and select the desired frequency settings. Scheduled reports are sent at 06:00 AM (according to the data timezone) on the days or dates you select.

Scheduled reports are generated “until today minus two”. This means that if you schedule a report to arrive Wednesday, the report will include data up to the end of Monday, it would not include Tuesday’s data. You will get Tuesday's data on the report that will arrive Thursday. This allows time to process all viewing data.

Send Report EveryThe interval at which to send reports. This should be an integer between 1 and 6.
PeriodThe period over which to send reports. Options include Day(s), Week(s), Month(s)
Start Date/TimeThe date and time from which to start sending reports.

The time you create the report is entered by default.
Stop ReportsIf you wish to stop receiving reports on a specific time and date, you may specify that date here.

By default reports are set to continue indefinitely.

Advanced Settings

StoryboardsThe storyboards to include in the report.

All storyboards for your account are selected by default.
Statistics IDsStatistics IDs to include in the report.

All statistics IDs for your account are selected by default.
TagsFilter report data by tags. You may filter data for records that contain any, contain only, or do not contain a tag or tags.

All tags are selected by default.
Exclude DataYou may exclude operating system, device type, web browser, and location data from your reports to comply with local regulations, if applicable.
Include Views ReportIndicates whether a Views Report is generated. Selected by default.
Include Engagement ReportIndicates whether an Engagement Report is generated. Selected by default.