July 15th, 2024

More maintenance work has resulted in increased stability and speed. However, the main change to report is this:

Report Delivery via API

It is now possible to pick up an analytics report (render, view or engagement) via API. To do that you need to create the reports with the new API delivery chosen, and then setup your system to pick up the report via API. You can read more about it in the How To Customize Reports article.

June 17th, 2024

After a long maintenance period which added stability and robustness to the analytics platform, we're happy to announce the following:


Checkpoint is a new option for setting up player actions. It is similar to “continue” but checkpoints display data in separate graphs, providing better clarity.

Use Checkpoints to see what part of the video is being viewed. Answer questions such as: are my viewers seeing the special offer? Are my viewers reaching the end of the video?

Statistics ID Support

Statistics ID separates video generation into segments. It's a string of characters you can add to API calls or batch generation. Once videos are generated with this ID, you can get statistics about them separately using the dashboard.

Idomoo expanded support for statistics IDs in the following ways:

  • You can now generate reports for specific statistics IDs with a new pulldown menu in the report generation screen.
  • You can now share analytics access to a specific statistics ID (or several) with a new pulldown menu in the sharing analytics screen.

General Maintenance

  • The CTA and Interactivity tab was split into two tabs: CTA for clicks on the landing page and Interactivity for clicks on the video itself. The CTA tab includes the new graph for checkpoints.
  • The Total Views graph previously showed different numbers in the Overview tab compared to the CTA and Interactivity tabs. The number on the Overview tab was always correct, and now all graphs display the same number.

March 27th, 2022

Various enhancements have been made to this version of the Analytics Dashboard, including improvements in the speed in which reports are generated and the user interface. For a complete breakdown of the dashboard options and how to generate and share reports, please see the rest of the articles in this section.

Numerical Gaps Between Old And New Analytics

There are intentional gaps between the statistics in the old and the new analytics dashboard and reports. Why are there gaps?

The analytics dashboard that was released on March 27th, calculates views in a different way. While in the older analytics a single session could have lasted any amount of time, as long as the player remained open; the new analytics uses time dependent units, called sessions, to calculate views.

Therefore data derived from views such as Total Views, Unique Views, Engagement Time, View Progress numbers are different from what you are used to.

What is a Session?

A browsing session is a period of continuous interaction with a video being played in the Idomoo player. Five minutes after interaction stops, or if the landing page is closed, the session is over.

Here's an example: if a user is watching a video, pauses it, and switches to a new tab for 3 minutes, returns and clicks play, this is still one session. However, if the user pauses their video and comes back the next day to continue watching, subsequent activity is grouped into a new session.

Therefore, in the old analytics, if a browser window was left open with the Idomoo player for 10 hours, then the customer continued watching the video, that would still be considered a single view. While in the new analytics, this would be two views with different completion rates for each. Other differences can occur, for example, if the long open session spanned a day change.

More information on how we calculate data can be found here.