Quick Numbers

The numbers on this sheet are for all events that take place within Idomoo’s video player. These are called Interactive Events. Events drive actions and you can have more than one action in an event. Learn more about interactive actions in the How to Configure Interactive Player Actions article.

Total Interactive EventsTotal clicks on interactive layers within a video.
Total ViewsIdentical to Total Views from the Overview tab. Presented here to provide context for the Click to View Rate below.
Event to View RateThe percentage of viewed videos with at least one interactive action.

On-Sheet Controls

In addition to the global controls pinned to the top of the dashboard, the Interactivity tab has a drop-down filter menu pinned to the top-right hand side of the sheet that allows users to filter interactive visuals by event type.

Users can choose from chapters, placeholder, and timeline_event in any combination. By default, all event types are displayed.

chaptersRegistered clicks on chapter navigation links pinned to the top of the player.
placeholderRegistered clicks on interactive placeholders.
timeline_eventInteractive events automatically triggered by the user reaching a specific point in a video.

Charts and Graphs

Player Interactivity Events Over Time

Displays the number of interactive events grouped by event name on the y-axis according to the event date on the x-axis.

Player Interactivity Events by Storyboard

Displays the number of interactive events grouped by event name on the x-axis according to the Storyboard ID on the y-axis. Storyboards are displayed in descending order according to the number of events.

Player Interactivity Events

Displays the number of interactive events grouped by event name as a pie chart.

Total Checkpoints Triggered

Displays the number of times a checkpoint action was triggered. The action names appear on the Y axis.