Quick Numbers

The numbers on this sheet are for clicks on buttons outside of Idomoo’s video player (called landing page CTA clicks).
Use Page Creator to create landing pages that include CTA buttons that report to Idomoo's dashboard. Or, to configure your own custom landing page to report CTA clicks to Idomoo’s dashboard, please consult the developer guide for Idomoo’s video player.

Total CTA ClicksTotal clicks on call to action buttons outside of videos.
Total ViewsIdentical to Total Views from the Overview tab. Presented here to provide context for the Click to View Rate below.
CTA Click to View RateThe percentage of viewed videos that have registered at least one CTA click.

Charts and Graphs

Landing Page CTA Clicks Over Time

Displays the number of landing page CTA button clicks grouped by button name on the y-axis according to the click date on the x-axis.

Landing Page CTA Clicks by Storyboard

Displays the number of landing page CTA button clicks grouped by button name on the x-axis according to the value of Storyboard ID on the y-axis. Storyboards are displayed in descending order according to the number of clicks.

Landing Page CTA Clicks

Displays the number of landing page CTA button clicks grouped by button name as a pie chart.